Eileen M. Garry
Deputy Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance

Education: B.A, M.S., American University
Experience: As Deputy Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Eileen M. Garry oversees planning, legislative affairs, budgeting, performance measurement and evaluation, and print and electronic communications. Ms. Garry joined BJA in September 2001 and immediately assumed leadership for processing death benefits for public safety officers killed on 9/11. She subsequently developed and administered several anti-terrorism programs and was actively engaged in infrastructure recovery and relief efforts following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Ms. Garry has worked closely with tribes in the development and implementation of the Tribal Law and Order Act and in renovation and construction of correctional facilities on tribal lands. She also manages the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Outreach program. Earlier in her career, Ms. Garry concentrated on child protection and juvenile justice issues affecting state, local, and tribal programs. She is a member of DOJ’s Senior Executive Service, the highest-level appointment for career civil servants, has received numerous awards, and is the author of more than 20 publications on criminal and juvenile justice issues.